Mother Emanuel
Mother Emanuel by Karen Walwyn, was composed weeks after the horrific tragedy that occurred on June 17, 2015 in Charleston, South Carolina. This work for piano solo includes 7 movements. I am presenting three at this time. The titles of these three movements are as follows: Movement I, A Journey from Afar; Movement VI, It Is Well; and the final Movement, A New Birth.
These movements represent the period of time from when approximately 12.5 million enslaved human beings were brought to the Americas on ships up to the days immediately following the tragic event at ‘Mother Emanuel’ African Methodist Episcopal Church. The struggles of North Americans protesting against the confederate flag in South Carolina on the heels of the tragic shooting are heard in the final movement.
This work was composed in the efforts of continuing the struggle of a united and safe community, not just in this state, but across our beloved nation.
And in light of our most recent American tragic loss in Orlando, early on June 12, 2016, I dedicate Movement VI, It Is Well, to their memory.